Daniel Carrera wrote:
If I recall correctly, it is Frutiger, which is a propietary font.

A bit odd for an open source project to use a propietary ($250) font. I once tried to find a free alternative that could look similar. I think I settled for Toga.


Toga is a good font over-all. It's quite readable and it has all the right porterties (for me) a font can have. If you want to make it look more like the OOo logo you'll have to rescale the image horizontally because the OOo logo is condensed and Toga is semi-condensed.

The blue is specified in pantone, but I can't remember what it was. I remember that finding it was incredibly difficult. I suggest you just use the RGB approximation.


Actually, all of this is spelled out in the style manual, which is available in the Art Project pages. (And, no, I don't think Toga was the final decision; I think it was Bitstream Vera Sans condensed to something like 78%, but that's just off the top of my head; the actual specs are in the style manual.)

Steven Shelton
Twilight Media & Design

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