Hi Daniel,

Daniel Carrera schrieb:
Bernhard Dippold wrote:
It's not linked from the main Art Project page, because I thought it to fit better to the Artwork To-Do-List.

Why? If I want to know what font the OOo logo uses, the to-do list would be the *last* place I'd look.

Really? I thought only attached to the Issue it was worse... ;-)

But honestly:

I asked myself, why should someone need to know the exact colors and fonts of the logo, icons and all that central stuff for OpenOffice.org artwork?

Only to create new artwork, I supposed.
And people creating artwork for OpenOffice.org I'd like to ask for contributing to our project.

The main Art Project page doesn't contain any text except the Mission Statement - and there talking about the Style Guide doesn't really fit.

For me it looks as if it's main purpose were to provide finalized artwork to people wanting to use it as it is (one exception: Design Elements), a future update of that page could perhaps modify this direction a bit (but everybody can follow the links at the top of the page) - I'll contact Cristian on that topic.

People wanting to create artwork should follow the link "How to participate" - or "Artwork To-Do".

In the participation page
the Style Guide could be linked even better than at the To-Do list, because there is a paragraph about "Creating new art".

I didn't search that hard for the best place, because I wanted it to be linked ASAP - so it can move later.

Another place to link to the Style Guide could be the logo gallery and the icon gallery (once created). But as long as the Style Guide is not finalized I don't want to link to it from too many places.

I hope we can do the final update soon - then you'll probably find it on a more appropriate place.

But please tell me - why do you need to find it at the main page?

Best regards


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