On Tue, 2006-04-18 at 06:33 -0400, Lars D. Noodén wrote:
> MS is continuing to step up activities of BSA around the world, both in 
> places like Sweden and Pakistan:
>       http://jang.com.pk/thenews/apr2006-daily/18-04-2006/business/b11.htm
> What kind of ways can we ride on this and use it to promote 
> OpenOffice.org?
> Presumably in places like Sweden MS is going after businesses and private 
> persons who have chosen to stay with Office 97 or Windows NT rather than 
> coughing up for the lastest and most expensive.  They'll be easy marks for 
> MS because of the combination of almost impossible to meet requirements 
> the BSA has for proof of valid sw licenses and the long time elapsed since 
> the purchases.

Marketing campaign - "If you can't prove your office license is legal,
upgrade to OpenOffice.org right now"

"Why wait for the knock on the door? - upgrade to Openoffice.org and get
peace of mind straight away"

> However, I can't help but think there is some way we can ride on this and 
> exploit it to our advantage, especially if combining forces with outher 
> groups.  Ubuntu comes to mind as one.

Ian Lynch

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