On Wed, 19 Apr 2006, John McCreesh wrote:
And China: http://software.silicon.com/os/0,39024651,39158140,00.htm

As an admirer of Thinkpad laptops, I find this news particularly annoying...

Actually we can probably use that. Despite what the headlines have recently stated saying, MS has benefited greatly from illegal use of its software in China and, for that matter, everywhere else, too. MS doesn't gain any money directly on illegal copies, but it does work very effectively as a means of keeping out competition and keeping users locked into MS.

MS is even likely to have encouraged illegal copies until competition arrives. Quoth Chairman Gates in 1998:

        "As long as they are going to steal it, we want them to
        steal ours. They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll
        somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade."
        - http://news.com.com/2100-1023-212942.html

So something is happening if Chairman Gates and his flunkies have started yanking the press' chain about piracy.

Maybe he really has figured out "how to collect" However, given the activity about F/OSS in China, it's more likely that operating systems distros like RedFlag are cutting into MS Windows and packages like OpenOffice.org are cutting into MS Office and formats like OpenDocument are cutting into MS' proprietary formats. All of that is very bad for MS.

We can use that.

We should also be able to leverage, though tactfully, the observation that the president of China was detoured from meeting first with federal officials. Instead he, the leader of a major portion of the world's population and a growing economic power, was shunted off to meet and perform symbolic services for a west coast politician at the schedule of that politician. That's some serious loss of prestige. I can see him or other politicians from China wanting to dig deeper into that hole -- not.

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