On Tue, 25 Apr 2006, Cristian Driga wrote:

> BTW: congratulations on your es.openoffice.org website. Great design. 
> Simple and extremely efficient. It was of inspiration for us in the 
> why.ooo initiative. We'd love to see the Spanish community helping out 
> in getting why.ooo going because this action would be in the benefit of 
> the whole OOo community.

Yes, please! I think the Spanish page is a model for what the main
openoffice.org page should be.  

I've been banging my head against a wall for several months 
now in an attempt to convince others that the current home page is *not* 

Maybe you will be in a position to do something about this.

> ;-)
> Best wishes,
> Cristian

J. David Eisenberg  http://catcode.com/

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