On Thu, April 27, 2006 13:09, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> A marketing opporunity for OOo?
> http://www.itwire.com.au/content/view/4054/53/

Excellent Daniel - thanks for this. As I said recently in my blog:

"As a proponent of open-source software, I am 100 percent and more in
favour of commercial software vendors clamping down on software pirates
with the full rigour of the law. Why should honest open-source developers
face cut-price competition because Microsoft is too lazy to pursue
pirates? In particular, I think it is complely disgraceful and unethical
than Microsoft turns a blind eye to software piracy throughout the third
world. This only encourages people to become addicted to software they can
never afford to buy, and discourages them from using open-source software
which is completely and permanently affordable."


As you say, good marketing material. Keep them coming - more ammunition
for why.openoffice.org


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