On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 11:58 +0200, Finn Gruwier Larsen wrote:
> Ian Lynch skrev:
> > At the time I was exploring this it was more arguments about not having
> > a bank account to put money in
> There must be a bank account somewhere. Otherwise, where does the money 
> people donate via PayPal go??

Shows how long ago since this all started, it was before they made Team
OOo which now does have a bank account but as far as I know does not
publish accounts so how does any ordinary community member know where
the money gets spent? So if the marketing project set up a merchandising
store with the intention of raising money for media advertising, for
example, there would be no way of guaranteeing that that is how the
money would be spent. It seems incredible that a project of this size
can run for 6 years and not have even the basics in place in terms of
good practise in financial management. Until that happens, I personally
won't get involved in any financial issues including making any more
fund raising efforts or donations to this or any other project.

This is from the web site

We strongly prefer that people become contributors. In most cases, being
a contributor will go much further than a monetary donation. 

(This gives the wrong message to the majority who will not have time to
contribute relegating a financial contributor to second class citizen
status. It depends on the size of the contribution eg Sun's financial
contribution to pay the core developers could be seen as the most
significant single donation. It seems that project leadership has never
come to terms with commercial realities.)

However, for those who cannot offer time, we would gladly accept a
monetary donation to the project.

Your donation will go directly towards helping this project. Some of the
ways in which your funds might be used include:

      * Hiring independent developers to work with OpenOffice.org.
      * Paying for participation at trade shows and conferences.
      * Paying for organization and staff at annual OpenOffice.org
        Conference, OOoCon.
      * Marketing banners, collateral, CDs and brochures.

Note *might* include and by implication, of course it might not. I would
expect a link on this page saying something like "this is how money
collected so far has been used" leading to recent published accounts. It
would also be better to allow people to pledge money to specific
projects if they wanted to. None of that is that hard to do but its
obviously a low priority. Maybe I'm the only one demotivated by this but
I suspect not and you never know if you are putting off a significant
financial contributor for the sake of a few easy to fix financial
accountability procedures.


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