Congratulations - EUR 3,600 / USD 4,600 - that should be a great party!

Thanks for sharing this good news with us - John

n Fri, October 27, 2006 14:28, Lars D. Noodén wrote:
> Below is a fast and sloppy translation of the article.
> The original is here:
> -Lars
> translators receive prize
> by Eirik Rossen
> This years prize for advancement of Free Software went to the translators
> of
> The annual prize for the advancement of Free Software was handed out
> yesterday.  Of the 25 nominated candidates, the Foundation for Free
> Norwegian Office Software won.
> The prize is given on the initiative of the Norwegian Unix User Group
> (NUUG) and the Oslo Polytechnic and amounts to 30 000 NOK.
> The goal is to increase awareness of free software and open standards, and
> is awarded to individuals or groups in Norway who distinguish themselves
> with their contribution.  Yesterday's tribute was the fifth time the prize
> has been given out.
> The Foundation for Free Norwegian Office Software received the prize for
> its work with the organization and coordination of the translation of the
> Free productivity suite, to both main dialects of
> Norwegian.   The foundation also works to influence key stakeholders to
> adopt financial,   business and archival systems using
> The jury opines that access to software in ones native language is
> important to guarantee that everyone can benefit from the tools needed in
> today's IT-Norway.  In the introduction it continues:
> "The Foundation for Free Norwegian Office Software has contributed to the
> guarantee that writing tools that are needed at many work places now exist
> in both Bokmål and Nynorsk, and thus helped the continuation of the
> Norwegian language.  It has also increased general knowledge of open
> standards by enabling usage of an open data format, and contributed to
> greater choice by providing Linux-users access to a complete productivity
> suite."
> "The prize winners have in a distinguished manner put deed before talk in
> regards to open standards and Free software.  Instead of forcing all to
> use software from a single vendor, they have given everyone the freedom to
> choose software in Norwegian.  Through the translation of this freely
> available productivity suite, everyone gets full support for open data
> formats.  The OpenDocument format is ratified by the International
> Standards Organization (ISO).  Norwegian users have gained an productivity
> suite which can be freely downloaded both for commercial and personal use,
> on a range of platforms such as Windows, Linux and Macintosh."
> Lars Noodén ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Now ISO 26300 Standards Compliant !
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