Hi Benjamin,

Nice idea indeed, and clear enough (thanks to extra explanation) to raise my votes :-)



Benjamin Horst wrote:

Louis brought up the idea of a wiki extension for OpenOffice.org on
his blog yesterday and it reminded me I've been meaning to share the
following with the marketing list.

On my site I described the idea of a wiki extension that would bring
cool new functionality to OOo, while also helping publicize the
extensions capability it offers. I've written the details on my blog
here: http://www.solidoffice.com/openoffice/wiki-extension/

There's been a recent contest sponsored by Novell and Linux Format,
to come up with cool ideas for new FOSS applications. I submitted the
wiki extension idea, and if I can gather enough votes, they'll build
and distribute the software. This could be a great publicity
opportunity for the project, hence of interest to the marketing
mailing list!

If you vote on the suggestion here
it could help push us over the top! Lots of free publicity for the
project and some free code too. (I might win a t-shirt, but that's
the only personal benefit for me.)

It should only take a second, though the contest site does ask for
you to register to avoid bots influencing the results.


Cor Nouws
Arnhem - Netherlands
nl.OpenOffice.org - marketing contact

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