On Fri, May 4, 2007 10:13, Florian Effenberger wrote:
> Hi there,
> yesterday, Sun announced to officially support the Mac OS X port of OOo.
> The Germanophone project just started to do some PR on the port (days
> before the Sun announcement spread the word).
> Has anyone contact to Sun regarding this issue? Maybe we can do some PR
> together on this. I think with Sun's announcement, things have changed,
> and we could do a general PR from within the whole OOo project.
> What do you think?

Sun didn't want to issue a PR themselves. There was some discussion as to
whether the community wanted to put out a PR but the 'social networking'
route (blogs etc) seemed more appropriate until there is something
tangible (e.g. a release we want testing).

I'd encourage you all to blog, post links to blogs to news sites, and have
casual conversations with people in the media. My blog as always is
http://www.mealldubh.org :-)


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