
thanks for your feedback.

On Mon, 2007-06-18 at 22:53 +0700, Willy Sudiarto Raharjo wrote:
> > http://marketing.openoffice.org/tryouts/Why.OpenOffice.org/en/index.html
> Nice, but it would be better to have unscrolled version (by removing
> the space between the text and "the More Reason..." part) if possible,
> since it's only a small scroll

The site needs to be scrolled, because the length of the content varies
and the whole site scales with the window size. Meaning that depending
on your window size the site will need scrolling or not.

The space between the text and the "More Reasons..." part actually
contains a button linking to the current campain. This just doesn't
work, yet, because i haven't found a way to create the according symlink
on the server, yet.

> Also the website is full of images and javascripts, which is not very
> visible for those who uses text-mode browsers (mostly in Linux) and
> take too much time to download (mostly for those who have lack of
> speed Internet connection like in my country, Indonesia)

Open the site in Firefox, switch of JavaScript and you'll see that it
works without it. Furthermore, select View->Page Style->No Style and
you'll see that all content is readable in text browsers.

The site is meant to be something like a cross between a web page, a
powerpoint and a poster. It is therefor by nature that it is a rather
graphical site. I'm trying to reduce loading time by reducing image
sizes. It seems that separating the stylesheets causes too many server
requests, which slows things down, so i may change that back to one big
one again, which in turn has the disadvantage of a very long initial
loading time.

> About the Sun's pop up window, i think it's better to show them at the
> first time, rather than displaying them when the mouse is hovered on
> it

Yes, the current implementation is pretty crappy. I'll probably remove
the mouseover thingy, it's annoying.

> > Testing:
> > - Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer 5-7, Konqueror, Opera
> > - Windows, MacOS, Linux
> I tested on Firefox, Opera, and IE 7 on Windows XP SP2 and the only
> browser that will display it correctly is Firefox

Interesting, on my system the site works pretty much fine in Firefox,
Opera and IE6. Konqueror just has too many bugs.

> Opera can't render it successfully, leaving the text invisible

Can you elaborate on this? Which Opera Version? Windows, i take it?
What text is invisible?

> IE 7 couldn't display the get the car image links and renders the
> images so badly and also the drop down menu is not correctly
> displayed.

The dropdown menus work fine in IE6. Can you send me a screenshot of
IE7, please? Image rendering is due to missing PNG-alpha support in
Internet Explorer, the only thing i can and will do is use GIFs instead
of PNGs via forked CSS. This at least get's rid of the whitish image
backgrounds in IE.


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