On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 02:58 +1300, Graham Lauder wrote:

> We are tossing a very small stone in a very large pond
> I would stick with just the T-Shirts, but again that would depend on our 
> targets.
> Let's first define our demographic
> Decide locations
> Establish the message we want to deliver
> Figure out how best to measure the success of the campaign  
> Then decide what type of merchandise delivers the message best to our 
> proposed 
> target audience while delivering a measurable result.  

Why not give them to a group of children who would really benefit eg in
a developing country. "OOo community puts shirts on the backs of 2000
children!" Take a photograph and then try and get that photograph into
the mainstream press. That way the kids benefit and more people see the
OOo name than would just from a T shirt promotion.

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