
On 2007-11-18, at 17:30 , Alexandro Colorado wrote:

I included pieces from all 4 markets. From integrators, to core developers, to extension developers and macro developers. We could develop aditional flyers for each of them.

(I'm assuming that other contributors - e.g. translators - are out of
scope of this particular document, although we do need to market to them

We could post it to the native-lang and see if it flies.

Why should any of these people want to contribute?

I really think projects like code-snippet need a revamp so we can have much more code than what we had there. I was about to mention oooforum since it has a large repository of snippets while codesnippets haven't really pick up as much. Then again I think we should acomodate this emails for the developers to notice. i.e. send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] etc.


I will certainly use it and do think that widely posting this is important. I'll use it at the upcoming foss.in, if possible!

BTW, we are also interested in promoting OOo in education, among students and professors, and a datasheet (flyer?) that does what this one does (while also promoting use) geared for students is very much desired. I can get funds to print them up, too, and am hoping to distribue it at foss.in.


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