On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 02:36:44 -0600, Kay Koll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


You are totally right, .NET is not the only way to connect to OO.o but .NET is much easier to use as OLE/COM due to the fact that it is a language binding instead of the bridge. Using OLE/COM bridge is not that easy and the code looks a bit ugly but you can compare the .NET language binding with the C++ or Java binding. You had used the term CLI in your original version, which is the underlining byte code language of .NET. The term .NET is better known as CLI. Please do not mix up CLI and OLE/COM both technologies have almost nothing to do with each other.

I usually use CLI for Command Line Interface which means pass parameter or data to applications like Firefox through the shell() function. Example shell(firefox, URL, 1). I don't know or promote the use of .NET framework. The way the writing goes sounds like I am enforcing this platform which for the porpousees of this document is fine, but just stating that I never intended to mention. CLI is just another terminology that microsoft hijack.



Alexandro Colorado wrote:
I check your document and just to clarify something. To connect UNO with OLE and COM you don't necesarily need .NET. Accordin to this post you can make conections with UNO through com using Delphi, Python, C, C++, VisualBasic >6.0, Ruby, TCL, and PHP. http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=9815&sid=2b1e42d89efcb283168703cba170598e On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 09:54:02 -0600, Kay Koll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Excellent document.
It was easier for me to add my changes directly in the document. You find the edited document as a new attachment to bug #83739

It is unclear to me why the image on the second page shows Google Docs. Especially the Google Docs Extension is from the Extension development perspective a bad example (Swing Dialogs instead of OO.o dialogs) A logo of the Weblog Publisher might be better due to the fact that this Extension follows the Extension design rules.



Alexandro Colorado wrote:
On Sun, 18 Nov 2007 10:25:10 -0600, John McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sun, 2007-11-18 at 13:17 +0000, John McCreesh wrote:
Created issue 8379 for this


I was thinking about this again while walking the dog this afternoon...
I guess we have four possible targets for this flyer:

(a) entry level hackers who could write and share macros
     (maybe? have we a repository for these?)
(b) intermediate level hackers who could write extensions
(c) expert hackers who could contribute to core OOo
(d) hackers/systems integrators who could use OOo componentry
     in their own applications

Is this correct? are (a) and / or (d) in scope? does (b) now replace
I included pieces from all 4 markets. From integrators, to core developers, to extension developers and macro developers. We could develop aditional flyers for each of them.

(I'm assuming that other contributors - e.g. translators - are out of
scope of this particular document, although we do need to market to them
 We could post it to the native-lang and see if it flies.

Why should any of these people want to contribute?
I really think projects like code-snippet need a revamp so we can have much more code than what we had there. I was about to mention oooforum since it has a large repository of snippets while codesnippets haven't really pick up as much. Then again I think we should acomodate this emails for the developers to notice. i.e. send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] etc.

- OOo is the leading open-source office suite - your code could be used
by tens
  of millions of grateful users tomorrow (including your
boyfriend/girlfriend, mum,
  dad, kids, colleagues...)
- Your extensions just look like regular OOo - you can't see the join
- OOo allows you to code in your language of choice

in addition, for (c)

- OOo is a complex system, developed over 20 years, and supported by
talented volunteers and professional developers sponsored by some of
  the most respected names in IT (Sun, IBM, Novell, RedFlag, etc)
- Understanding the code is challenging but the community will go to
  lengths to support motivated and capable individuals
- Getting your code accepted is a testimonial your abilities as a
  software engineer.

Do we need to get some of this into the Flyer?


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Alexandro Colorado
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