On Wednesday, Dec 12, Graham Lauder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is another treatment done by me from a version modified by Ivan of a
Nikash original.    A very opensource piece of art

I'm a brand new list member, though a long-time OOo user.

I didn't want to intrude until I've had some more time to sift through the archives, learn my way around and get up to speed. But I did want to chime in long enough to say how much I like this concept and this mock-up. It's clear, concise and right on target.

Like probably everyone here, I've been in all four groups (casual arrival, upgrader, support seeker and potential contributor), and at each of those stages, I would have found this design exceedingly helpful.

Simple action statements are always good.

And with that two cents, I'll crawl back to the archives for my immersion course in OOo marketing. See you all again soon, I hope!


Paul F. Olson

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