Hey Guys,

How about this:

"Open Minds, Open Solutions"

Thanx and regards,
----- Original Message ----- From: "Graham Lauder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dev@marketing.openoffice.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 6:35 AM
Subject: [Marketing] Website Upgrade Marketing Input


The Web-Dev team are in discussions about a new home page.

Louis has asked that the guiding principle for it to be "Increase Downloads"
Given the less than successful result of our last campaign, it's easy to agree
with the sentiment.

I gave the whole thing a lot of thought and came up with a few issues, which I
have already stated but I'll state again here so we're all on the same page.

One:  The step from Click through to Download is too big
Two:  The home page is not geared toward turning the casual arrival into a
Three: The Homepage is geared too high in terms  User sophistication
Four:  The home page is somewhat confused as to it's target audience

I agree with Louis about the portal.openoffice.org and that the content that
is at present on the home page would best be at portal.

This leaves www.openoffice.org to be an index or set of signposts that reflect
the needs of our Users

We identified 3 major groups

1)  Curious arrivals This arrival came here out of mild
curiosity, he clicked a link in a Google ad or a context ad or a Keyword.
There is no intention to download. His motivation is curiosity The answer
to his "What Now " question is on the button marked "I want to learn more
about OpenOffice.org"

2) Informed arrivals, they know what they're here for they clicked on a link
deliberately to come to OOo. they could be either First Timers or
Upgraders or Users needing help

3) Cognoscenti, They are active community members and
have been to the point where they know their way around. They don't require
big buttons or graphics just text links that are in familiar places and in
fact they don't come here often preferring to link directly to their place of

However all of these groups have needs that overlap so in terms of the
navigation from the Homepage we needed to look at the demographics in terms
of needs or wants.

Using that criteria I identified Four major Demographics amongst our site

1) Casual arrivals
2) Upgraders
3) Users Requiring help
4) Developers and potential contributors

In group 1 are pretty much all of the people who clicked on our Google ads.
They don't really have a reason to be here other than some level of

In group 2 we have our regular downloaders who return for each new version as
it is released.  These people want to get to the download button quickly

Groups 3 and 4 are self explanatory.

It's obvious that close to  ALL our increase in downloads is going to come
from Group 1 while Group two keeps things ticking over.

With all of the above in mind

I suggested using action statements
Four at this stage but I can think of perhaps two more but no more IMHO

The action statements are aimed at each of our demographics and go like this

"I want to learn more about Openoffice.org" Target = Casual Arrivals. link to
"I want to download OpenOffice.org now" Target = Upgraders link to
"I want help with OpenOffice.org" Target = Group 3 link to
"I want to help OpenOffice.org" = Group 4 link to contribute.openoffice.org

I've coded up a simple demo here

http://ooogear.co.nz/splash_prop.html which is a coded version of an idea from
Ivan M on the Art List.  This is minus all trimmings

This is another treatment done by me from a version modified by Ivan of a
Nikash original.  :)  A very opensource piece of art


There has been a lot of discussion on both the art and WebDev list.

Mostly around the idea  of using the action statements

I'm trying to come at it from a marketing/sales POV

For the Casual arrival the learn more takes them to the Why page. My assertion is that once having read the info in the Why page the step to the download is
a considerably smaller one for a casual arrival.

We know that we're getting the landings, we just are not turning that into
downloads.  I think this will go a long way toward doing that.

This needs input from Marketing people.  At present I'm the only marketing
person involved in the discussion.


Graham Lauder,
OpenOffice.org MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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