Indeed the link reads as you say. That's funny!

However, there is a functional RSS feed provided by Mozilla (look in the top right on the linked page). From an RSS feed, we can make widgets, so I think we will be fine if we can generate a feed.

I know any serious statistician will find our ways of measuring downloads to be inconclusive, but as long as we have a consistent methodology, we'll still be able to use the information. And end users will find it valuable even if they know it's not perfect.

We have a statistics project and a page listing estimated downloads (I don't know when it was last updated, it may be falling behind). For now, let's just use that number and make it into an RSS feed and widget tool. We'll worry about the next step later.

I don't want us to not do something cool, because we can't yet do it perfectly. Let's start, and then refine as we can.


On Dec 16, 2007, at 3:09 PM, John McCreesh wrote:

On Sun, 2007-12-16 at 12:51 -0500, Benjamin Horst wrote:
An idea for a small component that I think should be a part of the
new webpage:

An OOo downloads counter. Build it as a widget that can be syndicated
to lots of other sites too. (Just like our friends at Firefox have

Which reads:

"Our community has created a number of tools to enable you to syndicate
this number with ease through a variety of mediums:

Sorry, these all broke."


I wish we had an accurate way of recording downloads / users ...


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