Hi Florian,

+1. Do you know the timeframe when the calendaring component will be integrated into Thunderbird? Will it be (timely) ready for OOo 3.0, or will it take longer, i.e. can we promote this together?
This is the plan, there will be a Lightning version available, the same as we plan to bundle with StarOffice.

Do you know if then it already has some links to OOo? I know that there have been features planned to integrate parts into OOo, but I'm not aware on how developed they are yet. Maybe Christian Jansen knows more?
No links or Lightning specific features available yet but OO.o is the preferred Office suite any feature which requires an integration in an Office suite will be integrated with OO.o first. A shared setup or installation packages is currently not planned.
Do you already have concrete ideas? I have a good contact to Jane Finette, European Marketing Director at Mozilla, so I can give her a call if we have some rough ideas.
I am in contact with David Ascher (CEO Mozilla MailCo) and with the Mozilla Thunderbird engineering. They like the idea for a cross promotion, so we should get the backing from MailCo, too.

Here are a couple of ideas :
* Announcement on news.openoffice.org along with the 3.0 announcement
* Announced in Erwin's (Kay) OpenOffice.org Newsletter
* Mentioned on the OO.o product/features page
* OpenOffice.org Solutions page (http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/OpenOffice.org_Solutions) * Promotions by local OO.o Markting Projects on the local OO.o pages, Tradeshows and Conferences

* Download link on download.openoffice.org



Florian Effenberger wrote:
Hello Kay,

In my opinion we should promote solution packages, because this is exactly what the competition does and this is what companies expecting.

+1. Do you know the timeframe when the calendaring component will be integrated into Thunderbird? Will it be (timely) ready for OOo 3.0, or will it take longer, i.e. can we promote this together?

Do you know if then it already has some links to OOo? I know that there have been features planned to integrate parts into OOo, but I'm not aware on how developed they are yet. Maybe Christian Jansen knows more?

Do you already have concrete ideas? I have a good contact to Jane Finette, European Marketing Director at Mozilla, so I can give her a call if we have some rough ideas.


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