On Fri, 05 Sep 2008 06:00:47 -0500, Florian Effenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Alexandro,

I want to do both. Think of ebay's regular users and the 'certified' sellers. Anyway right now we might not have infrastructure for either. But would be good on how this marketplace if there is any should work.

may I suggest we pick up that idea after 3.0 has been released? This clearly requires lots of work, and I guess most people don't have much time before 3.0 is out :-)


I bet there i a lot of focus on 3.0 release but clearly we are not talking about developing right now just to think about what would be involved or features could we have in this.

Here is a great example of what I am trying to get at.

Here we mention a label when we say that we don't "endorse any of these vendors.....". What if we have a methodology to endorse this vendors for a cost, regardless if the cost is monetary or donating developers?

Alexandro Colorado
CoLeader of OpenOffice.org ES

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