Martin Hollmichel wrote:
eric.bachard wrote:
[please continue the discussion on the mailing list]

Hi all,

Proposal :

The Education Project proposes to drive the following experimentation :

- create a dedicated branch in the OOo source code repository (means hosted by OOo Project) for a 7-12 years software, derivated from, and made and maintained by project.
I like and support this idea,
me too and i support the idea as well. I was a big fan of StarOffice4Kids project with more or less the same idea.

Formally : create a new branch, completely independent of , including milestones, like OOo does
what do you mean by completly independent ? I would expect that this branch should kept in sync with OOo releases ?
a good question and i also thought about it. Everything Eric described is valid and important for the main code base as well. Terms like modularization, performance, customization etc. come into my mind. It's nothing really new and things are already ongoing.

Work on the same things should be done on the same code base. For example Eric talked about performance. Edu performance projects could be seen as sub projects of the performance project with a special focus on educational things, maybe driven as university project ...

The really new stuff from a user perspective is the interaction with this specific user group kids, the OO users of tomorrow. This is from my point of view very important and can be partly achieved or addressed with a customizable UI. A lot of things are possible already today but can be improved and many other things are missing. And the things that are missing can be useful in the normal office as well.

I would expect the same code base but customized for the specific needs of kids. A minimized feature set and a kids related UI etc. A special branded and customized OpenOffice version if you want.

Looking on the code base i would see it on top of the existing OpenOffice base layer, reusing exactly the same code basis ...

Anyway it's a very good idea and i will support it where i can.


- work with schools and students to improve the software
- innovate about performances and cooperate with the performance project in this area
- (add your idea)

Resources : to be defined, but the non profit association EducOOo ( ) is already candidate to manage that (e.g.receive sponsoring for the software, machines for students, and so on).


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