Thanks, Alexandro.

Alexandro Colorado wrote:
> I want to share this link from Jomar Silva from ODF Alliance who
> organized and participate on an ODF Workshop through CONSEGI
> Very interesting points and debates including:
> "Nagarjuna, from Free Software Foundation India. Briefly, Nagarjuna
> argued that it’s necessary to consider the use of proprietary software
> and standards a crime,

Very strong results can be gotten following that approach.  Just a heads
up though:  White collar crime tends not to happen in a vacuum.

a) One person will get away with something and then, when no reaction is
forthcoming, try more areas.

b) Other people will see someone getting away with something and try
that or other illegal activities themselves.

c) Yet others will be accomplices by seeing but doing or saying nothing
to stop the problem.  This includes especially the perpetrators'
long-time acquaintances, relatives or in-laws.

d) Still others will be bullied or threatened into going along and even,
 at least symbolically, getting their hands dirty.

It tends to grow and he will not be dealing with only the standards
problem, which might be tied to illegal tenders and stacked bids, but
also the whole swarm of one or more from options a,b,c,or d above.

> ... and also argued that we need a stronger
> reaction against proprietary technologies (strong, not aggressive, and
> used the example of civil disobedience from Gandhi) ."

This is especially true.  However, the technologies are the wrong
target.  The technologies just sit there and go away on their own if
left alone or evaluated on technical or economic merits.


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