Cor Nouws wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> A bit later, but ok, what's in a day ;-)

It happens to all of us at times. :(

> About your own flyer: the text, wording is very good, and not too complex.
> Improvement can be more visual elements, as Alexandro wrote.
> Another thing is that you start explaining what the software/project is.
> Starting with getting people's attention, in general will work better.
>   " Hey, want to have ..."
> or
>   " Do you recognise ... "
> I have a flyer for my own ( only-)company that is much
> shorter. Only 1/3 of a sheet, front and back. (from OOo Writer, export
> as PDF, to the printer, on the paper.. )
> OK, but you are also looking at the next ..

I do not understand this.  :(

> Andy Brown wrote (11-12-09 15:52)
>>> On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 8:29 PM, Andy Brown <>
>>>> Thanks, Alexandro.  I looked at the other flyers and think that they
>>>> will work great, only problem is to get rid of the "crop marks" so that
>>>> I can print them out.
> That are markers used by professional printers. They do not use A4 but
> large sheets and cut in the end.

I guessed that it was a scan of of the flyer.  So I can not just print
and be done with it.

> I have been working (with some others) on a Dutch translation of the
> flyers and I too think they are pretty good.
> But somehow the production got stuck ;-)
> Let me think that your initiative / question is a good reason to pick it
> up again.
> Best wishes,
> Cor

I am giving up.  I am not an artist nor a market expert so I can do
nothing more but edit what is there.  I used a page from the marketing
wiki that is downloaded as an ODT file.  This I ran through the Google
Translate extension for OOo.  The then copied and pasted to get the text
to a new document.  This, with input from three others I have edited and
arranged to what you see in the pamphlet.

If anyone wants what I have so they can improve on it, let me know and I
will gladly send the ODT file, or if someone will let me know where to
upload it I can put it on and OOo seb site.

Andy Brown
La Mesa, CA  91942 Community Distributor
CD/OEM Distribution Project member
Documentation Project member
Marketing Project member
User Experience Project member

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