Benjamin Horst wrote:
> These stats are interesting and very positive for OOo.

> On Feb 9, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Andy Brown <> wrote:

Because the stats were collected using javascript in FlashCounter, the
OOo share is likely to be even a bit higher than what Thomas shows.

Many OOo users are, almost by definition, more active in their choice of
software and settings and are far more likely to fully or partially
block javascript(*) and thus left out of the stats.

If I recall correctly there was some data from a few years ago showing
that about 68% of MS Office's sales was due to OEM bundling.  I know
that one of the holy grails would be to break the OEM monopoly and get
OOo bundled instead of or along side MSO.


(*)     Contrary to the myth perpetuated by e-nebbishes posing as web
designers, it's possible to have a dynamic and colorful web site without
javascript.  Thomas' has a nice roll-over effect on the table's rows
using pure CSS.  The added advantage is vastly improved security.

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