
Le 1 mars 10 à 17:11, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :

you wrote that OOo4Kids refuses to contribute back to OpenOffice.org and I longly
proofed the opposite.

No you did not.

Well, I do not try to convince you, but I'm sure other people read all the links I provided, have a more objective vision than you, and understand that we have no bad intention : we are honest, and we really want to contribute back to OpenOffice.org

And OOo4Kids copyright was not the point. About that, things are
extremely clear too :  OOo4Kids will not belong to a company, but to
a non profit association.

which is run by you.

No, that's yet another lie, hidden behind half-truth.

FYI, any non profit association is run by a C.A. (Administration Council), and everything is discussed and voted. At least it works that way inside EducOOo :-)

But the life of the association has nothing to do there, and OOo4Kids is not EducOOo.

I do note that you believe that companies are "evil".

Again, you try to manipulate, and derivate what I wrote. Your bad intentions are obvious, and more you write personnal attacks, less you are credible. Really sad ...

To answer you a last time, I believe nothing there : just facts. Sun did sale OpenOffice.org, and I refuse to see that happen again.

OOo4Kids is a sub project of the Education Project, a toy who aims to help students discovering the OpenOffice.org way of coding,have Fun, and provide, in the middle-long term, core developers for OpenOffice.org Project.
I wish it could be. But I have a hard time understanding how OOo4kids can be a subproject of the Education project,

Well, so far you never participated, nor helped the Education Project, nor contributed seriously to anything we did, and that's maybe the reason why you don't understand :-)

Again, as I wrote a lot of times, OOo4Kids is just a toy, a tool, to have Fun with the students, write code (probably most of it will stay useless, or will be not interesting for a backport though), and reach one of the main Education Project goals : teach OpenOffice.org source code, and share.

The Education Project has other objectives, and goals, obviously (and fortunaly).

given OOo has no say on what it does and whom it belongs to.

I'll repeat to make things clear : OpenOffice.org belongs to Sun / Oracle, and that's sure, OpenOffice.org does not belong to the Community.

We don't need forks to create halos.

Writing that, you proof that you really are unaware of the real need, OpenOffice.org has to find new devs .. :-/

As answer : OpenOffice.org mostly does need people who know well OpenOffice.org source code, who teach it, and forward the knowledge to find new devs, and help to provide perennity to the project.

Those people are seldom, and that's what I myself try to do since several years.

Eric Bachard,
OpenOffice.org Education Project


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