Dear Community,

My previous user ID at OpenOffice for the past few years was: fouadbajwa
My current user ID is: bajwa

I would like to introduce myself. I have been promoting F/OSS in
Pakistan full-time for the past 8 years and co-established the FOSS
Foundation of Pakistan that brought Ubuntu Linux, Open Office, Linux
Certifications into mainstream and had it recognized as part of the
local IT industry. We conducted over 10,000 trainings for over 600
organizations from all sectors of society since 2005.

Currently I lead the Ubuntu Linux Pakistan LoCo Team and the
operations for Pakistan of Linux Professional Institute - LPI-Pakistan

Within Pakistan we are now working with the government to encourage
them to deploy OpenOffice across govt offices as well as encourage
private sectors to incorporate OpenOffice as the first choice.

I will continue to promote OpenOffice in Pakistan and would also like
to learn from this community's experience.

Thank you!

Fouad Bajwa
FOSS Advocate
Cell: +923334661290

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