Am Tue, 5 Oct 2010 12:05:19 +0200
schrieb Thorsten Behrens <>:
> > If you move your contributions somewhere else it supports your 
> > position there, but not in this project anymore.
> >
> Your definition of "this project" is kinda arbitrary, and definitely
> does not match mine. For me, this project is defined by its
> community, the shared vision on what it is & what it should become -
And the focal point of this is the source code and the final product
(aka releases).

> and if you look around, you find very many people, including all
> non-Oracle members of the CC, favouring an independent foundation.
A foundation per se is a great thing, but when there are two source
code repositories and two final products then "this project" is either
schizophrenic or it is actually two projects. And being schizophrenic
is not a healthy state of mind.

> I think you need to clarify this: with "contributing to
>", you mean "contributing to Oracle"? Otherwise I do
> not understand your statement.
I mean contributing to the releases, their
source code or promoting and marketing of them. If do want not
contribute to that under the current conditions there are only two
mutually exclusive choices: Either try to change the conditions in the
existing project or start your own. I guess, mixing both throwing in an
"independant foundation that is part of it"(*) will not serve anybody.

Ah well, we will see.

Best Regards,


(*) oxymoron detected here

Bjoern Michaelsen | Software Engineer
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