According the official time-line:

August 18th is the official 'pencils down' date for GSoC this year.

Please, Qihong Lin, remember to continue pushing hard. I did not see some much activity or reporting in the last weeks, and you still have so much to do for achieving the goals of the project.

We had been working at the ldp branch, fixing details discovered by the W3C test suite. They mainly affect the web service layer, but I think we extended the service api with some new methods. Next week Jakob and myself we plan to continue working on that, with the idea of merging stable changes back to develop during the week. Please, stay tune to the changes, and decide whether you can afford or not to adopt them at this stage.

Personally I'll offline 6th to 20th, so everything that you deliver before would make my final evaluation much easier.

Thanks for your contribution to the Apache Marmotta project.


Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 660 2747 925

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