Dear Qihong Lin,

On 24/07/14 14:06, Qihong Lin wrote:
Thanks for your reminder! I've been watching the marmotta's branch
refs/heads/develop (not much changes related to ldp service these
days). As you pointed out, I just checked the ldp branch and updated
my LdpServiceSPARQLImpl accordingly [1]. Now both LdpServiceSPARQLImpl
and LdpServiceImpl passed my unit tests as expected.

It'd be great if you can report the current status of the SPARQL implementation, as well as periodically report your progress.

I'll keep a close eye on both the develop and ldp branches in the
coming weeks. With previous experience in the first half part of the
project, I think it's not difficult to translate the remaining changes
to the SPARQL implementations. I'll check and translate the changes
everyday. After the GSoC project, I can also offer contribution
related to this work.

That'd be great! That's one of the goals of GSoC is not always explored by the student. Hope you can continue collaborating with us after the program ends.

In the meanwhile, I'll work on the documentations and the tests
(performance, w3c test suite, etc), as you mentioned in the mid-term
evaluation. I've been studying JMeter, TestNG and Rest-Assured. I'll
have a try in the next week and keep you posted.

Where are you documenting all your stuff? As I explained you, I'd appreciate to have access to it in advance.


Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 660 2747 925

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