Two questions:

#1: I've written a plugin to integrate jCoverage (
with Maven. The plugin itself works fine, but I get a class loader conflict
later on in the run:

    [echo] Generating xdocs from POM ...

null:58:30: <attainGoal> null:25:30: <attainGoal> null:363:9:
<velocity:merge> Class org/apache/log4j/Layout violates loader constraints
Total time: 1 minutes 48 seconds

If I disable jCoverage the build executes flawlessly.

I've confirmed that I'm using the correct (root) classloader in the plugin's
project.xml (see below). Is there anything else I should consider in
troubleshooting this?

#2: Once this is working, is it best donated back to or to
the group? I vaguely remember some discussion
on the list about keeping GPL dependencies out of the Jakarta codebase...?

Thanks for any assistance.

Mark Langley

(Plugin's project.xml dependencies follow...)


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