I'm interested in the comments on CPD/Simian performance - since I was responsible for the current algorithm in CPD. On my dodgy old 833MHz laptop, CPD does the entire JDK1.4 in about 1 minute 30, all but 18 seconds of which are actually spent reading the files (ok reading the files and building ANTLR parse trees) - it was I/O bound. I can eat into those 18 seconds but the rest is out of my hands[1].

For example, here is what happens when you just time the line and character counts, in native code:
brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] /c/j2sdk1.4.0/src
$ time find . -name '*.java' | xargs wc -l | grep xyzzy [2]

real    1m19.289s
user    0m1.670s
sys     0m3.791s

Thats 79 seconds just to *count* the chars, and it hardly dented my CPU. A CPU twice as fast won't make much difference to this.

Have you compared the current CPD with Simian? I did my rewrite when I saw the times quoted in the O'Reilly article, which is, I guess, when most people tried it. To quote Tom Copeland "A job that took the old CPD 2 hours now takes 8 seconds. It's pretty sweet." (he's referring to the time *after* the files are read here)

I am aware of a faster algorithm that can be used incrementally, but I havent implemented it yet.


[1] CPD in its current form would be faster with suffix tree sorts instead of quicksorts, and if punctuation ( { ; } ) wasn't counted as a place where matching could begin. It would also be faster if I didn't use a parse tree, but just heuristics for ignoring comments + whitespace (I originally wrote my CPD that way, in perl). However none of these optimizations are considered worthwhile because the whole thing is I/O bound.
[2] grep xyzzy in this case is just stopping wc -l outputting to stdout, so that you're not seeing slowdown due to flushes on that stream.

Aslak Hellesøy wrote:

It seems Maven's JIRA still doesn't notify this list, so here I go...

Simian (http://www.redhillconsulting.com.au/products/simian/index.html )>
is a great little tool that detects duplicate source code. Very much
like PMD's CPD (http://pmd.sourceforge.net/cpd.html), but a _lot_ faster.

I have written a Maven report plugin for Simian that I'd like to contribute to Maven. Have a look at some sample reports:


It would be really nice to have the Simian Report included in the standard reports, as it reveals refactoring candidates and is something>
every sound project should have!

It's all in JIRA: http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/ViewIssue.jspa?key=MAVEN-516


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