Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/09/2003 09:01:49 AM:

> Hi,
> After doing a little with the plugin manager on the weekend, I noticed 
(as I
> suspected), that plugin "upgrading" (or downgrading via a dependency),
> doesn't do what you might expect.
Well, yes... it depends what u expect :-)

> It seems it will always load both plugins, and I suspect it will call 
> latest, even when using a dependency on an older version.
Yep, it will load the existing stuff, and then load the one specified in 
the dependencies (as far as I can tell).

> This is fine for the addition of goals, but what effect will it have on
> preGoal/postGoal chains? I suspect (again untested :) that they will be 
> twice.
Not sure.

> So what I was wondering was what we expect the behaviour to be is in 
> case. I would think that 
> 1) there should only be one plugin of a type loaded at a time (easy to
> change by having the manager use the artifactId as the name - removing 
> version)
That'd be ok.

> 2) if 1.2 and 1.2-SNAPSHOT are present, use 1.2 (difficult, because we 
> no concept of version X > version Y since you can use any type of 

> 3) if 1.2 and 1.3 are present, use 1.3
Except if a project specifically depends on 1.2

> 4) if a plugin dependency element is present, use that version.
Should be a rule before 1).

> Is this what everyone else expects? If so, I think 1 and 4 should be 
> with 2 and 3 covered by a string comparator. It won't always work, but 
> do for now until we can properly spec. it out.

Does the above make sense too?

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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