Jason van Zyl wrote:

On Mon, 2004-02-23 at 07:55, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

I thought it'd be good to forward this onto you "Crazy Maven Developers". What do you think about horizontal project navigation:


What you have in the tabs across the top is akin to what I would like to
see as the first entries on the left in the navigation.

Maybe we can have the umbrella navi somehow tabbed somewhere in the banner/breadcrumb and the Project Navigation on the left, I'll play with it a little more.

I honestly don't much like the tabs and like the navigation in the nav
bar on the left or in the breadcrumb bar.

But, experimentation may show alternatives can capture the project/subproject navigation issue better.

I think having navigation in
the body of the page with the content isn't a good thing.

I've also heard this on the Commons list and do agree.

I think people will naturally look to the upper left (as the majority of
people dealing with computer stuff use English as the primary language
which reads left to right) to find things of importance and that's where
I would honestly like to see the things of navigational importance go.


I've given up on trying to make the sites all look exactly the same as
far as colour and general style but I would really, really not like to
see each project start changing the navigation style. I realize the
currently generated site is lacking in terms of ease of use but I would
like to incorporate any ideas like you have into the standard xdoc
plugin so that the sites being generated remain functioning the same at
least in terms of navigational style.

I do agree in having sensible and consistent defaults, but people (especially developers) always tend to want to customize and enjoy a tools that can be customized and expanded upon.

Mark Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

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