You can zip and email it to me directly or share it on github, dropbox
or google drive and send me the link. I am flexible :-)


On 2014-10-16, 11:41, Jörg Schaible wrote:
Hi Igor,

Igor Fedorenko wrote:

Can you provide an example project we can use to reproduce the problem
locally? You may be able to strip your source tree from everything bun
pom.xml files, for example.

OK, this works out. I have now such a transportable setup. It's zipped about
1.1MB with an empty local repository or 38MB with a filled one. I can run

  MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx3000m" mvn validate -s settings.xml

successfully and will fail with OOME calling

  MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2000m" mvn validate -s settings.xml

using M323/Java7 on Linux x64. The project tree contains the pom.xml and
anything that triggers profiles automatically. Any non-public artifact is in
a "remote" repo (included in the 1.1MB), so you should be able to reproduce
this. Which do you want and what's the most useful place to put this?


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