Am 2015-09-07 um 10:40 schrieb Michael Osipov:
Am 2015-08-30 um 21:31 schrieb Michael Osipov:
Hi folks,

some of you might remember that I have closed a bunch of issues some
time ago. I'd like to reperform that task because we have more than 3100
open issues at the moment [1].

Many issues (thousands) haven't been touched for years. I hardly believe
that someone will pick them up after two or three years.

To get us focused on new issues and ongoing improvements, I'd like to
perform another cleanup in JIRA.

Currectly we have:

* 729 issues older than three (3) years [2]
* 1496 issues older than two (2) years [3]

(Numbers accumulate)

I'd like to set the three-year-old issues to ASF JIRA "Auto Closed" with
the following text:

"This issue has been closed because it has been inactive for a long
period of time. If you think this issues still applies, retest your
problem with the most recent version of Maven and the affected
component, reopen and post your results."

If you guys happen to find any of your tickets (reporter/assignee) which
are still valid, ping them.

If I don't get any objections by 2015-09-06, I will perform the close.

A couple of months later, I'd like to squash those two-year-olds too.



[2] category = Maven AND updated <= -156w AND resolution = Unresolved
[3] category = Maven AND updated <= -104w AND resolution = Unresolved

I have concluded the cleanup yesterday and closed around 600 issues.
I'll repost in a week now many of them have been reopened.

Some time has passed and approx. 15 issues have been reopened, the rest did not even receive a feedback from the reporters.


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