
I have tested my own iterator-plugin, Modello Project (current master),
mojohaus projects (properties-maven-plugin, exec-maven-plugin, appassembler, versions-maven-plugin,templating-maven-plugin), tested with current trunks of the following plugins: maven-resources-plugin, maven-ear-plugin, maven-compiler-plugin), other test projects

without any issue.

+1 from me...

Furthermore i have updated the announcement mail with informations about the reporters of issues and code contributors..(I have attached it to this mail)..If someone has supplementals for this please write to me...

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
On 11/10/15 6:16 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

Time to release Maven 3.3.9!

Here is a link to the issues resolved:

Staging repo:

The distributable binaries and sources for testing can be found here:

Specifically the zip, tarball, and source archives can be found here:

Source release checksum(s):
apache-maven-3.3.9-src.zip sha1: 2b783992afcba54255f46508d582fe656e2c37dc

Staging site:

Vote open for 72 hours.

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[ ] -1



Jason van Zyl
Founder, Takari and Apache Maven

A party which is not afraid of letting culture,
business, and welfare go to ruin completely can
be omnipotent for a while.

   -- Jakob Burckhardt

The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of 
Apache Maven 3.3.9.


You can download the [appropriate sources etc. from the download 

Release Notes - Apache Maven Version 3.3.9



 * [MNG-5297] - Mark <prerequisites> as deprecated for compile-time 
enforcement. (Contributor: Joseph Walton)
 * [MNG-5649] - Use Commons Lang's Validate to intercept invalid input
 * [MNG-5681] - Properties on command line with leading or trailing quotes are 
 * [MNG-5721] - Possible NullPointerException in 
org.apache.maven.repository.MetadataResolutionResult (reporter/contributor 
Martin Schäf ).
 * [MNG-5786] - Variable maven.multiModuleProjectDirectory may be set 
incorrectly (reporter Stephan Schroevers).
 * [MNG-5787] - Moving from Maven 3.0.5 to 3.3.3 breaks plugins with some 
dependencies on the class path (reporter Christian Schlichtherle).
 * [MNG-5796] - mvn fails when the current directory is a root drive on Windows 
(reporter Brandon Enochs).
 * [MNG-5812] - Project base dir not fully working in Cygwin (contributor tssp).
 * [MNG-5813] - Make MAVEN_OPTS env variable with mvnDebug correctly
 * [MNG-5816] - Empy maven.config cause Maven to exit with failure (contributor 
 * [MNG-5840] - <relativePath> is used if the groupId and artifactId match 
irrespective of the version
 * [MNG-5858] - mvn script fails to locate .mvn in current directory 
(contributor Dave Syer).
 * [MNG-5877] - maven-aether-provider/maven-compat does not always generate 
snapshot versions using Gregorian calendar year (contributor Joseph Walton; 
reporter Anders Forsell).
 * [MNG-5882] - Nonportable shell constructs cause bin/mvn errors on Debian 
(contributor Ben Caradoc-Davies)
 * [MNG-5884] - mvn script doesn't handle directories containing spaces 
(contributor Stephen Kitt).
 * [MNG-5886] - Broken link of 'Building Maven' in README.md on Github 
(reporter Shubham Chaurasia).
 * [MNG-5891] - Log file command line option description contains an extra word 
(reporter Keith Turner).
 * [MNG-5898] - Multi-module build with ear fails to resolve war in 3.3.3 
(reporter Jonathan Radon).
 * [MNG-5907] - org.apache.maven.repository.internal.RemoteSnapshotMetadataTest 
fails to start at midnight


 * [MNG-5780] - upgrade Java minimum version prerequisite from Java 6 to Java 7
 * [MNG-5805] - Custom packaging types: configuring DefaultLifecycleMapping 
mojo executions (contributor Anton Tanasenko).
 * [MNG-5818] - Disallow the programmatic injection of project dependencies
 * [MNG-5844] - Close IO Streams in finally or try-with-resource statement 
(contributor Tang Xinye)
 * [MNG-5871] - make url inheritance algorithm more visible
 * [MNG-5888] - Update used modello version from 1.8.1 to 1.8.3
 * [MNG-5892] - Removing par lifecycle from default life cycle bindings
 * [MNG-5893] - Make used plugin version for maven-resources-plugin in 
default-bindings.xml consistent
 * [MNG-5894] - Removed binding for maven-ejb3-plugin from default binding
 * [MNG-5905] - Maven build does not work with Maven 2.2.1
 * [MNG-5906] - Use canonical name for UTC timezone
 * [MNG-5911] - Upgrade maven-parent to version 27
 * [MNG-5915] - Upgrade Wagon version to 2.10
 * [MNG-5921] - Upgraded to pelxus-components 1.6 that uses asm 5.x
 * [MNG-5922] - Upgrade plexus-utils to 3.0.22 to support combine.id as 
configuration attribute for Map merging
 * [MNG-5923] - Switch to official Guice 4.0 (reporter/contributor: Stuart 
 * [MNG-5924] - Upgrade to Eclipse/Sisu 0.3.2 (reporter/contributor: Stuart 
 * [MNG-5925] - Update animal-sniffer-maven-plugin to 1.14. MANIMALSNIFFER-49 
required when building with JDK9


 * [MNG-5887] - update Modello site url

Code Contributors of this release:

 * Martin Schäf
 * Stuart McCulloch
 * sugartxy
 * Robert Stern 
 * Florencia Tarditti 
 * tssp
 * Dave Syer
 * Joseph Walton
 * Stephen Kitt
 * Anton Tanasenko
 * Tang Xinye
 * Ben Caradoc-Davies

Issue Reporters of this release:

 * Brandon Enochs
 * Martin Schäf
 * Stephan Schroevers
 * Christian Schlichtherle
 * Brandon Enochs
 * Anders Forsell
 * Shubham Chaurasia
 * Keith Turner
 * Jonathan Radon
 * Ben Caradoc-Davies

Many thanks to contributors and reporters.


- The Apache Maven team
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