This specific issue seems quite isolated to me and is likely introduced when switching from Sonetype Aether to Eclipse Aether, where (IIRC) the boolean became a Boolean.

On Fri, 05 May 2017 22:18:11 +0200, Michael Osipov <> wrote:

That wasn't actually my point. Christian wrote that to make the entire chain consistent several issues have to be addressed.

Am 2017-05-05 um 21:54 schrieb Robert Scholte:
AFAIK you, me and Stephen already agreed that MNG-5935 should be part
of  3.5.1

On Fri, 05 May 2017 21:09:02 +0200, Michael Osipov <>

We should consider this batch
if we want to address the issue we talked about on IRC.


Am 2017-05-05 um 21:04 schrieb Robert Scholte:
I gave my spin for the 3.5.1-candidates. I've mentioned the issues I'd
like to add, but most are still waiting to be seconded.


On Fri, 05 May 2017 19:23:41 +0200, Stephen Connolly
<> wrote:

Progress seems to be being made... I'm willing to let current progress
continue for the next 1-2 weeks before starting a whip-round to drive
towards a release... anyone want me to accelerate?
On Tue 25 Apr 2017 at 21:43, Stephen Connolly <> wrote:

I'd like people to take this next week to consider what issues we
want to
pull in scope for 3.5.1.

If you are a committer, just add the issues to Fix Version of
3.5.1-candidate, ideally adding a comment at the same time with your

If once we have a seconding committer, they can just comment
seconding and
move the Fix Version to 3.5.1.

I'm going to suggest a 1 week period of open scoping. After that
point in
time, my intent is to be more strict and apply "release manager risk
management" on any new issues being targeted for 3.5.1. Similarly, if
issues targeted for 3.5.1 are not making sufficient progress they
will be
dropped... but for now... it's open season!

Get triaging!


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