Progress seems to be being made... I'm willing to let current progress
continue for the next 1-2 weeks before starting a whip-round to drive
towards a release... anyone want me to accelerate?
On Tue 25 Apr 2017 at 21:43, Stephen Connolly <> wrote:

> I'd like people to take this next week to consider what issues we want to
> pull in scope for 3.5.1.
> If you are a committer, just add the issues to Fix Version of
> 3.5.1-candidate, ideally adding a comment at the same time with your
> reasoning.
> If once we have a seconding committer, they can just comment seconding and
> move the Fix Version to 3.5.1.
> I'm going to suggest a 1 week period of open scoping. After that point in
> time, my intent is to be more strict and apply "release manager risk
> management" on any new issues being targeted for 3.5.1. Similarly, if
> issues targeted for 3.5.1 are not making sufficient progress they will be
> dropped... but for now... it's open season!
> Get triaging!
> -Stephen
Sent from my phone

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