Le 15/02/2019 à 17:34, Hervé BOUTEMY a écrit :

> IIUC you don't use the same versions of dependencies (because of uniqueness 
> of each lib in Debian [1]) as those used in a "normal unconstrained" build 
> from source [2]

> I don't yet understand the details of Debian build system, if the symlinks 
> are used at build time or only at runtime, but even if you the resulting jars 
> of the Debian build from Maven source are the same binaries, the execution of 
> Maven does not run with the same dependencies, then there may be subtle 
> differences during the run (for example from jansi, or guice, or commons-cli 
> or ...)

I try to stick as much as possible to the same versions of the
dependencies, especially the sensitive ones like Guice or Aether, but
there are still some divergences. I've reviewed the dependencies
installed in the /usr/share/maven/lib directory by the maven/3.6.0
package in Debian unstable and we currently have the following differences:

                      Maven    Debian
  commons-lang3       3.8.1    3.8
  commons-io          2.5      2.6
  guava               25.1     19.0
  jansi               1.17     1.17.1
  jansi-native        1.17     1.18
  maven-shared-utils  3.2.1    3.3.0
  plexus-utils        3.1.0    3.1.1
  wagon               3.2.0    3.3.1

The versions are slightly ahead to the ones in Maven 3.6.0, except for
Guava. Guava is only used by Guice for Preconditions, immutable
collections and other basic operations. I don't think the difference is
significant. At least, I've verified that the Guice 4.2.1 tests pass
with Guava 19.0.

> IIUC, that uniqueness of every library is a Debian principle, then a Maven 
> distribution from Debian cannot be equivalent to a "normal" distribution 
> where library versions are purely selected by Maven source's pom.xml, without 
> adding any constraint
> This is why having Debian's distribution display its name in "mvn -v" would 
> make that more clear.
> Let's discuss a little bit about plugins: when Debian launches the "mvn" 
> command to build some Debian package, does it use Maven Central like anybody? 
>  = where do the Maven plugins used during build come from?

There are two different cases:
1. What Maven does when launched by a user
2. What Maven does when it's used in a Debian package build

1. When the user launches "mvn" to build a project it behaves as usual
by downloading the dependencies from Maven Central or the other
repositories defined in the pom. The Maven plugins also available as
Debian packages are never used. The only code compiled by Debian that is
executed is the set of dependencies found in the Maven lib directory

The default plugin versions are also exactly identical. Before Maven
3.5.0 we patched default-bindings.xml to align them with the versions
packaged in Debian. We stopped to preserve the same default behavior.
This is new in Debian 10 "Buster" (and the latest Ubuntu 18.04 LTS), the
current stable version Debian 9 "Stretch" has Maven 3.3.9 with different
default plugins.

2. Debian builds are offline, completely disconnected from the network.
It's impossible to download dependencies or plugins from Maven Central.
That's why we recreate a Maven repository in /usr/share/maven-repo/ and
instruct Maven to fetch the dependencies there instead of Maven Central
when building a Debian package. This repository is populated by
installing the packaged plugins and dependencies.

If there are Maven developers interested I can do a live demo showing
how Maven projects are built into Debian packages.

Emmanuel Bourg

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