Le samedi 16 février 2019, 11:38:59 CET Emmanuel Bourg a écrit :
> Le 15/02/2019 à 17:34, Hervé BOUTEMY a écrit :
> > IIUC you don't use the same versions of dependencies (because of
> > uniqueness of each lib in Debian [1]) as those used in a "normal
> > unconstrained" build from source [2]
> > 
> > I don't yet understand the details of Debian build system, if the symlinks
> > are used at build time or only at runtime, but even if you the resulting
> > jars of the Debian build from Maven source are the same binaries, the
> > execution of Maven does not run with the same dependencies, then there
> > may be subtle differences during the run (for example from jansi, or
> > guice, or commons-cli or ...)
> I try to stick as much as possible to the same versions of the
> dependencies, especially the sensitive ones like Guice or Aether, but
> there are still some divergences. I've reviewed the dependencies
> installed in the /usr/share/maven/lib directory by the maven/3.6.0
> package in Debian unstable and we currently have the following differences:
>                       Maven    Debian
>   commons-lang3       3.8.1    3.8
>   commons-io          2.5      2.6
>   guava               25.1     19.0
>   jansi               1.17     1.17.1
>   jansi-native        1.17     1.18
>   maven-shared-utils  3.2.1    3.3.0
>   plexus-utils        3.1.0    3.1.1
>   wagon               3.2.0    3.3.1
> The versions are slightly ahead to the ones in Maven 3.6.0,
ahead does not always mean better :)
but it's good to see a precise measure of the intentionally managed difference 
between unconstrained Maven distribution (which will become in the future a 
reproducible build) and Debian choice = where subtle differences in behaviour 
can happen for users = what should be clearly advertised to users

> except for
> Guava. Guava is only used by Guice for Preconditions, immutable
> collections and other basic operations. I don't think the difference is
> significant. At least, I've verified that the Guice 4.2.1 tests pass
> with Guava 19.0.
> > IIUC, that uniqueness of every library is a Debian principle, then a Maven
> > distribution from Debian cannot be equivalent to a "normal" distribution
> > where library versions are purely selected by Maven source's pom.xml,
> > without adding any constraint This is why having Debian's distribution
> > display its name in "mvn -v" would make that more clear.
> > 
> > Let's discuss a little bit about plugins: when Debian launches the "mvn"
> > command to build some Debian package, does it use Maven Central like
> > anybody?  = where do the Maven plugins used during build come from?
> There are two different cases:
> 1. What Maven does when launched by a user
> 2. What Maven does when it's used in a Debian package build
> 1. When the user launches "mvn" to build a project it behaves as usual
> by downloading the dependencies from Maven Central or the other
> repositories defined in the pom. The Maven plugins also available as
> Debian packages are never used. The only code compiled by Debian that is
> executed is the set of dependencies found in the Maven lib directory
> (/usr/share/maven/lib).
> The default plugin versions are also exactly identical. Before Maven
> 3.5.0 we patched default-bindings.xml to align them with the versions
> packaged in Debian. We stopped to preserve the same default behavior.
> This is new in Debian 10 "Buster" (and the latest Ubuntu 18.04 LTS), the
> current stable version Debian 9 "Stretch" has Maven 3.3.9 with different
> default plugins.
for users, depending on default plugins versions injected by default biondings 
is a bad practice: in Maven 3.7.0, MNG-6562 will provide a warning to help 
users avoid that


> 2. Debian builds are offline, completely disconnected from the network.
> It's impossible to download dependencies or plugins from Maven Central.
> That's why we recreate a Maven repository in /usr/share/maven-repo/ and
> instruct Maven to fetch the dependencies there instead of Maven Central
> when building a Debian package. This repository is populated by
> installing the packaged plugins and dependencies.
great, this is the key strategy that I wanted to discover

> If there are Maven developers interested I can do a live demo showing
> how Maven projects are built into Debian packages.
yes, I'm really interested, because I have so many more detailed questions

if we do that face to face in a Paris bar, I'll pay you a few beers :)
but if many people are interested, having a remote session will be better: 
we'll have to wait for the beers...



> Emmanuel Bourg
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