maven-dependency-plugin depends on maven-artifact-transfer, and that's
causing us some trouble, though perhaps that dependency can be removed
if we can upgrade the dependency plugin to a 3.1 minimum.

On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 8:36 AM Robert Scholte <> wrote:
> I think you already asked this question before, but the answer is no.
> The whole idea behind maven artifact transfer was to have a library that made 
> it possible to support all Maven 3 releases.
> Especially when Maven 3.1.0 cam out, several plugins were broken because of 
> the API change compared to 3.0.
> This library solved that.
> The question is more: would a plugin need this library if you require Maven 
> 3.1+?
> Robert
> On 6-6-2020 13:02:32, Elliotte Rusty Harold <> wrote:
> Maven Artifact Transfer has extra dependencies and code related to
> org.sonatype.aether to support Maven 3.0.
> Is this something we want to support and release or should we rip this
> out before going to 1.0? (I don't think this is a blocker for the 0.13
> beta release).
> --
> Elliotte Rusty Harold
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Elliotte Rusty Harold

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