Am 2020-10-19 um 21:46 schrieb David Jencks:
I strongly recommend using the most up to date infra site support which 
involves a git repo with an asf.yaml file indicating that it’s your website.  
Push to the git repo and as if by magic your website appears.  See

Thanks, that's a starter.

I’m also strongly in favor of using asciidoc rather than markdown and using 
Antora, however that’s a separate issue.

Completely off topic for this thread, but…. how hard would it be for the maven 
site plugin to generate asciidoc?

I also share this opion because there isn't one Markdown, there are many. Asciidoc is already working if your have the appropriate dependency in your POM. I also would like to avoid any other external tools which will introduce even more complexity.

On Oct 19, 2020, at 11:38 AM, Michael Osipov <> wrote:


we at the HttpComponents TLP we'd like use the same approach as maven-site 
does. We'd ilke to automatate as much as possible, means: push to repo should 
trigger a a push to the website. I can see that svnpubub is obviously used in 
the POM. But the question is, where is the trigger performing the actual step? 
Who knows best?

See discussion [1]




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