Am 2021-08-02 um 09:39 schrieb Romain Manni-Bucau:
Le dim. 1 août 2021 à 22:37, Michael Osipov <> a écrit :

A prerequisite PR is ready:

Maybe I'm a bit "off" on this one but shouldn't we just enable to configure
slf4j from the command line with "shortcuts"? ie --info --debug

Once you know all go through a logger it does not make much sense to have a
verbose toggle anymore IMHO and it is not powerful enough to enable what
you need (even the JVM uses system properties to filter the logs you wants
so can be saner to rely on slf4j for us?)

It is a bit problematic. SLF4J does not log so you need to delegate to the actual logging implementation. I would prefer --log-level/-L {level} or {logger}:{level}. -L can be provided multiple times. There are open tickets requesting this, but no one has provided a concept how to solve this for all supported logging bindings.


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