Now that M7 is released, I have a feeling I know the answer to this, but
what are your thoughts about when a full release will go out with these
latest changes? I'm currently evaluating whether we can upgrade our
internal platform to support Junit 5.  As far as we know, M7 will address
the last problem we were seeing (buffer overflow), and we'll be testing
that this morning, but my "platform" team only has a small set of services
we can easily test platform upgrades with.  Our platform is used by a large
number of services.  Using a "beta" version carries some amount of
indeterminate risk (sort of redundant), so I have to be more careful about
planning for contingencies if we discover unexpected problems from the M7
version in other services we don't directly support.  Those contingencies
include staying on Surefire 2.22.0, but still using Spring Boot 2.3.12
(upgrading this will be coming soon), and only using JUnit 4.

On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 4:16 PM Olivier Lamy <> wrote:

> Hi
> The vote has passed.
> +1 Enrico, Hervé, Michael, Romain, Slawomor, Olivier
> PMC quorum reached. I will continue the release process.
> cheers
> Olivier

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