
Currently we have Apache devs depositing artifacts into a directory
which gets sync'd to ibiblio. Mark Diggory has ironed out the scripts
that we're using from the ibiblio machine so I would like to open up the
option that Apache is using to other groups. The first group I would
like to try this with is Codehaus. So I would like to do the exact same
thing, let them have a directory on their server which is accessible via
rsync and pull artifacts into ibiblio. 

In this case it is a matter of trust and I don't think there is a
problem with Codehaus and it would take a chunk of the requests out of

Also, are there any other candidates for this? ObjectWeb possibly, it's
really a matter of who the devs here know personally. 

This, of course, is only a stopgap until the automated uploads work but
it will take a little bit of the burden off.

Anyone object to having a sync setup for Codehaus --> ibiblio?

I would like to set it up ASAP.



Jason van Zyl

happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will
elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come
and sit softly on your shoulder ...

 -- Thoreau 

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