
Le 2024-08-16 à 09 h 51, Andreas Sewe a écrit :

Maven has two *orthogonal* ways how to projects can relate to each other: aggregation and inheritance. (…snip…) I don't think using the term "Maven sub-project" improves things. In fact, it makes it even easier to mistake a module (aggregation) for a child project  (inheritance), as the difference between sub-project and child project is very subtle. I would hence restrict the use of "sub-something" to inheritance (think "sub-class") and never use it to discussion aggregation.

While "sub" can mean "below" as in "subway", the usages I can think of in mathematics and programming are more about "sub" as in "subset" or "sub-group". So "sub-class" can be understood as "the class which is drawn below another class in a UML diagram", but can also be understood as "a class identifying a subset of the instances identified by the parent class", i.e. a sub-group. The latter definition is mathematical, while the former depends on drawing conventions. Object-oriented programming (OOP) encourages substitutability (Liskov substitution principle [1]), which is based on the mathematical interpretation. For example, a Circle is a sub-class of Ellipse rather than the other way around, even though this is counterintuitive to the idea that sub-classes are more complex than their super-classes (an idea encouraged by the "drawing" interpretation, as more and more properties are added as we go down in a UML).

"Sub-project" follows this principle. It a subset of the work done by the aggregator project, and generates a subset of the artifacts. It is consistent with above interpretation of "sub-class" as "sub-group", which I think is the interpretation intended by OOP according the substitutability principle.



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