On Sun, 2004-06-13 at 14:11, Vincent Massol wrote:
> Hi,
> A stupid question: Why do we need POMs in repo for non-Maven projects?

Those non-maven projects have dependencies and projects who state a
dependency on that non-maven project can take advantage of transitive
dependencies and any other dependency tools that might exist. Hibernate,
for example, may not be mavenized but it has a lot of deps that users
would prefer not to have to worry about entering into their POMs.

> It seems to me, this is for supporting transitive dependencies. 

For that alone it is worth it, but who knows what other sorts of
analysis tools might be developed. 

But the most important pieces of information are the groupId,
artifactId. Those pieces of information are required otherwise we don't
know where to put them in the repository. Once the tools are automated
the POM is where the information will be extracted from in order to
place the artifact in the correct location in the central repository.
Right now we only require a copy of the license but the license
information will also soon be mandatory in order to perform some
analysis wrt licensing.

> However
> Maven will not try to build non-Maven projects, right? Is there a use
> case where it's still useful to have POM information for non-Maven
> projects?

A POM is needed, period. If there is no POM the artifact is not going to
Ibiblio and it's as simple as that. Once the process is more fully
automated projects without POMs will just get rejected.

> I'm asking because it's a pain to get POMs for non-Maven projects and
> I'm not sure about the benefit.

It is simply required for proper placement, and transitive dependencies
alone make the POM requirement worthwhile. In addition a POM with
groupId, artifactId and dependencies the project can be built by Maven
and dragged into any maven-based CI mechanism which also has benefits.

> Shouldn't non-Maven projects artifacts considered as already *built*?

That's really irrelevant to requirement of needing the POM for an
upload. We are close to not requiring any direct access to ibiblio and
meeper will take care of most things. This will be safer, there will be
better auditing and there won't be a many glitches due to people placing
stuff in the repo manually. Every one of us with direct access to
ibiblio has fubar'd something at one point or another and it just can't
happen now that Maven is rapidly approaching critical mass.

> Thanks
> -Vincent
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Jason van Zyl

happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will
elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come
and sit softly on your shoulder ...

 -- Thoreau 

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