> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vincent Massol [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 6:30 AM
> To: 'Maven Developers List'
> Subject: RE: Why do we need POMs in repo for non-Maven projects?
> ok. Cool. Thanks for the information. I understand better now.
> How do we deal with different versions of the same artifact in the
> dependency list? 
> It seems to me that once we get transitive dependencies, 
> we'll have lots
> of "clashes" between different versions of the same 
> artifacts. How will
> Maven resolve this? The user will also not know this beforehand as
> dependencies will be hidden from him.

No. Dependency Report may show project's own dependencies, inherited ones
and those resolved
by transitive dependencies collector.  We might even show a graph of
dependencies (nice looking  gif image or svg )

> One solution could be that Maven refuse to run when there are
> conflicting dependencies and users will have to explicitely 
> state which
> dependency to user in their project.xml (it will have preference over
> the transitive dependency versions)?
> I understand you probably have discussed this at length. If you have a
> pointer feel free to give me a link.

We have discussed this a bit but nothing is yet decided.
I guess that there might be couple of different strategies and some "version
clashes" might be
resolved automatically. E.g. when one of the projects stated dependency on
log4j-1.2.7.jar and other one on log4j-1.2.8.jar
we might be able to determine that those versions are compatible and 1.2.8
is the newer one.

First we have to see how this really works and to have some real use cases
so we need more POMs. The problem might be that at the beginning we will be
getting "fat" POMs with all dependencies in them
so the full picture will be falsify.


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