Hi Stephen

Stephen Nesbitt wrote on Wednesday, November 24, 2004 12:27 AM:
>>> 2) set artifact/group to latest release of an artifact/group
> Not quite. I deal with 20 odd products on an essentially monthly
> release cycle. 20 products with an average of 2 concurrent
> devstreams and 4 components per product => 160 POMs that I have to
> review and update monthly. It would be nice to be able to specify
> use the latest production release. With luck transitive
> dependencies will reduce the number of POMs that need to be
> reviewed to around 40 which is still a large number.
> (By the way, I've been arguing against the above complexity for years)
> I do consider this a nice to have and not a requirement.

We solved this one with one single file containing the entities for the 
versions, that is used in every POM. Onle requirement is, that every developer 
has to keep the CVS with the entity files also up-to-date and that you have to 
tag this repo also when you releasing your own project.


>>> 4) set artifact/group to latest version released to QA
>> 1.0-QA-SNAPSHOT, though Maven support isn't there for this yet -
>> you'd need to look it up, or have the JAR republished. See my
>> thoughts on the release cycle later.
> Agree. What is needed for maven to handle this?

Well, IMHO it should already. Use QA-SNAPSHOT as version and you'll get alway 
the latest or use QA-version-SNAPSHOT for the latest QA version of s specific 
release (and remember you're free to define version as 1.0 here although you 
might build technically 1.0.x).

>>> 5) set artifact/group to latest bleeding edge version
>> 1.0-SNAPSHOT. This is no different to the above use case.
> Agree. The use case is different in that here someone in the
> developer role "asks maven to deploy a bleeding edge version" and
> in the above case someone in the CM role "asks maven to deploy a QA
> version" 

Or use -SNAPSHOT without version. This was the original use case for SNAPSHOTs 


- Jörg

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