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In my opinion, this thread is not particularly useful. As far as I know,
we have not called for a vote on the final release of Maven 2.0. (we
haven't even released -beta-1 yet, for crying out loud!)

This is my last reply on this thread; it is fast growing into another
bitch session and waste of my time.

See my comments inline.

Maczka Michal wrote:
| a) build won't be reproductable

If you're declaring your API dependencies correctly for your project,
this absolutely should not have an impact on you. Any POM cleanup
efforts should be directed at eliminating test-scope dependencies, or in
some [extremely rare] cases, optional dependencies. The latter case
should be covered by your project, since if it uses these optional
parts, it should make some use of these same dependencies.

| b) the scenario which you are proposing - everybody maintaining its own
| maven repository with competing metadata even for open source projects
| will become the reality. And this is something which in my opinion
won't be
| any good for maven nor for improving the quality of the maven central
| repository. I already know some people which are creating their own m2
| repositories and the work which there are doing is not at all serving
| community. I am all for centralising that effort.

I know of people who won't use Maven or its repository because the
artifacts aren't signed. Sure, there are going to be people who demand a
higher level of quality than we are prepared to offer for the meantime;
that is unavoidable. However, most users should be fine with the level
of quality we can provide, particularly for the dependency use case.
Project URLs and such are not as critical for this use case.

| Note then when I am saying that no POMs should not be changed - this means
| that no dependency should be added, removed or moved to different position
| witin the pom. The algorithm which resolves transitive dependencies is
| fragile: it is even (accordingly to my knowledge) sensitive to the
| of the dependency in the pom.

If I understand correctly, you're alluding to the use of the nearest
dependency-version taking precedence in a collision scenario. This is
the default policy for m2, but doesn't have to be the only one. Before
we release m2 final, we will allow (if we don't already) pluggable
dependency-version conflict resolution policies. I don't agree that the
transitive dep algorithm is so fragile, particularly when you change the
version conflict policy...can you be more specific, or will this remain
an unsubstantiated claim?

| I also have no better alternative to what's happening now with m2
| repository. But I share Vincent's opinion:
| "There needs to be a big effort to clean the m2 repo of bad POMs" and I am
| just adding that this in my opinion should happen and ___finish_
| before maven 2.0 will be proclaimed as "final" or even "beta".
Otherwise the
| situation which happen with m1: some people tried unstable beta
versions and
| never come back to maven will be repeated one more time. But this time it
| won't happen due to the code quality (which is really excellent in case of
| m2) but due to the repository related problems.

Michal, for me, here's the real bottom line:

You're perfectly willing to contribute page after page of email
complaining about maven 2.x and its repository. Yet your name doesn't
appear on a single MEV JIRA issue (used as a TODO list to help improve
the quality of the repository), and you haven't submitted a single issue
to the MNG (maven 2.x) JIRA project. You seem to reiterate that we need
to do all of this work to get Maven and its repo in shape, but are
completely unwilling to do anything but talk about it.

If you're concerned about Maven, then you need to know this: no matter
what timeline we adopt for Maven's 2.0 release (and deadlines are
critical for progress), we will never be ready according to the above
criteria if our *very* small development team has to comb through the
entire repository and assess the quality/correctness of each individual
POM. Additionally, it is simply unreasonable to expect m2 to be relevant
to the community in any way if we cannot provide a repository comparable
to the m1 repository from day one.

My advice: If you're unhappy with the state of the m2 repository, then
by all means show us where the problem areas are. Submit a MEV issue or
two, if you will. But cracking a whip over our heads without
contributing anything the least bit constructive doesn't in any way help
this development process.

- -john
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