This be related to the compiler changes that have been going on.

Carsten - can you svn up with th elogging I just added and check the
library is passed in?


Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

>I think I picked up a wrong subject, of course I don't mean that I have
>problems compiling m2 itself. I have problems while using m2 to compile
>my own project.
>Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
>>After updating from alpha-3 to the latest from SVN I can't compile
>>Cocoon anymore. I think the problem is related to classloading or
>>handling of classes.
>>As one dependency we have the xml-apis-1.3.02 implementing DOM level 3
>>interfaces. Although we have declared this dependency in the POM and the
>>jar is downloaded, the DOM level 3 classes are not found. So I guess
>>that classes inside the org.w3c.dom package (and others) comming from
>>the dependencies are ignored and the system classes are used instead.
>>(But this is just a guess).
>>Any idea how to solve this?

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